Chapter TRC Application
Triangle is excited to announce a pilot partnership with Phired Up – a national resource for excellence in chapter and fraternity recruitment. We will be working with Phired Up to identify and train up to seven Triangle Recruitment Coaches(TRCs) who will serve as resources to up to twelve active chapters.
Each coach will take on one or two chapters and work closely with them to build and execute a strong annual recruitment program using resources from the Fraternity and online contact management software from Phired Up. Alumni interested to serve as Coaches should complete the application HERE. Learn more about the program and position HERE.
Chapters interested to be assigned a Recruitment Coach should complete the short application below. We will review all applications and select chapters we think will benefit most from participation.
NOTE: Coaches will be assigned for the full academic year, so chapters must be ready to commit the time and attention to stick with it through the full term of the coaching assignment – otherwise you may not see results and it would be a poor use of the funds used to make this program possible.