January 3, 2025

For Immediate Release – Retirement of Executive Director Tom Pennington

The National Council of Triangle Fraternity announces the planned retirement of Tom C. Pennington, Executive Director, on June 30, 2025.

Tom Pennington assumed the position of Executive Director October 17, 2016, as Triangle’s seventh Executive and has served with distinction representing Triangle as America’s premier men’s STEM social fraternity.

A member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, initiated at the University of Texas in Austin, Tom has spent over 40 years in the fraternity/sorority community in a variety of leadership and staff positions. Since reporting to duty for Phi Psi in 1984 as an Educational Leadership Consultant for Phi Psi, he has served as a campus fraternity/sorority advisor at Southern Methodist University, in two Director-level positions with Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, as the Executive of the Phi Kappa Psi Foundation, Executive Director of an international leadership program, and an owner/Principal with an online career assessment service.

While the Phi Kappa Psi Foundation executive, he also served the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Foundation (now the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence) as a three-term president of the board and was a founder of what is now the FFE Summit, an annual gathering of Foundation executives and alliance partners to elevate leadership, vision, and impact in men’s and women’s fraternity foundations.

Current Triangle President Ryan Sunyak, Toledo 2010, comments, “Tom has been an incredible partner for the entirety of my time on the National Council for Triangle.  Tom has provided immense stability to Triangle during his tenure as Executive Director.  The development and growth that his leadership is responsible for will have a lasting positive impact on Triangle.  The Fraternity will be forever thankful for Tom’s service to Triangle.” 

Past President (2017-2019) Brian Jarman Purdue 2001 reflected, “Tom joined Triangle during a period of great change for the organization.  Since then, Tom has provided invaluable service to Triangle and its members. My time as national president was greatly enriched by Tom’s dependable and impactful leadership. Numerous Triangle members have benefitted from Tom’s leadership and are better for Tom’s time with us.”

Looking back on his service with Triangle, Tom shared, “Working with Triangle has been a true pleasure. The alumni I have met and worked with are among the most loyal and dedicated I’ve ever known, and the undergraduates are exceptional young men. I could not have asked for a better experience to complete my professional career in the fraternity/sorority community.”

The search process for a new Executive Director has begun and applications are now being accepted, with priority consideration to those received by February 28, 2025. Links to pertinent documents are below. Applications with cover letter and recent resume can be submitted to

Click Here to Download ED Position Description

Click Here to Download Position Tasks Summary

Triangle Fraternity was founded in 1907 at the University of Illinois. Today, more than 31,000 men have been initiated into the organization. The purpose of Triangle shall be to maintain a fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists. It shall carry out its purpose by establishing chapters that develop balanced men who cultivate high moral character, foster lifelong friendships, and live their lives with integrity. For information on this or other Triangle business, contact us at