Membership in Triangle is lifelong. After graduation, there are many opportunities to stay involved, live our Code of Ethics and build yourself into a better man.
We’d like to better understand your preferences and motivators.

After graduation, you do not stop being a Triangle. There are many ways for our alumni to stay involved and connected to the Fraternity throughout any stage of life. Review the options on this page to see which option may be best for you, or contact the Director of Alumni Engagement & Stewardship for more info on any option.


Area Alumni Organizations are found in numerous geographic locations and are made up of Triangles living in that area, regardless of their chapter affiliation. Alumni groups allow you to make new friends, network and stay connected to the Fraternity. Each group has officers that help keep the group running, as well as plan events.

Each undergraduate chapter and colony needs a team of advisors in place to assist, support and mentor the undergraduate officers and general members on an ongoing basis. Most of these advisors are alumni members of the Fraternity, but a substantial number are non-members who may work at the host institution. Contact the Director of Alumni Engagement & Stewardship for more info.

Triangle has many national volunteer positions for alumni. These include serving as a chapter Recruitment Coach, a trained facilitator for our FHSI Health and Safety program, or as a member of the Fraternity National Council, Educational Foundation Board of Directors or the Triangle Building and Housing Corporation Board of Directors.

One of the easiest ways to contribute to Triangle as an alumnus is to donate to the Triangle Educational Foundation. Your money will help the Foundation fund the Fraternity’s educational programs and scholarships. There are also specific funds set up to help individual chapters. The Foundation will send you regular updates on the impact your donation has made on Triangle brothers. Donate Today.