By Tom Pennington, Executive Director
You may have heard the 2019 Convention will be held in Indianapolis at the downtown Hyatt Regency. We chose this location because they had competitive room rates, provided all meeting space at no cost and are a great location for many alumni and undergraduates to drive in – saving travel costs. We expect a great turnout and are making connections with area STEM employers (Allison, Cummins, Eli Lilly, Rolls Royce, etc.) to get them involved.
Annual Chapter Fees pay for two undergraduate delegates from each active chapter and one from each colony and alumni chapter. Delegates have their shared room and event registration fees paid, so the only costs are getting to the event and any food or entertainment costs outside the event.
If your delegates will require travel by air, please discuss with your chapter or alumni how you might assist them in covering those costs. Plan now so you will have funds available to help them. We even have a travel agency that can help you find the best rates if you need assistance in making your plans.