December 8, 2017
Brother Robert Mosborg il45 Passes to Chapter Eternal
PLAINFIELD, IN. – Triangle Fraternity mourns the passing of Brother Robert Mosborg ill45, who joined Chapter Eternal on December 6, 2017 at the age of 93. He died at Edward Hospital in Naperville, IL.
Brother Bob served as Triangle’s National President in 1972/1973 and again in 1978/1979. He also served as a National Councilman and Triangle Education Foundation Director, eventually being honored as a Foundation Director Emeritus. His other honors include Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Xi, ASCE, ASEE, NSPE and the rank of Master Mason.
He was a trusted advisor and mentor to Triangle’s chapter at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign for decades, always emphasizing the importance of academic achievement. Bob also served the University as a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and as an Assistant Dean for the School of Engineering.
In addition to his wife of 66 years, Frankie, Bob is survived by two children, David Mosborg (Holly Fulton) and Carol Hilton (Bill) and five grandchildren, Cynthia and Alexander Mosborg, Lauren and Caroline Hilton and John Henry Perritt.
Brother Bob’s full obituary may be found here: http://www.friedrichjones.com/obits/obituaries.php/obitID/274457