Personalized Bricks for HQ’s Centennial Plaza

Didn’t get to purchase a brick for the Centennial Brotherhood Plaza in 2007?  We’ll, you’re in luck!  Personalized bricks are once again available to memorialize members, family and friends or pay tribute to a pledge class, chapter or special event.

These bricks are the focal point of the Plaza, built on the main entrance to the Fraternity Headquarters and a focal point for visitors and special celebrations.  Funds raised pay for the bricks, but a portion of the cost will support the reserve fund that maintains the HQ and allows periodic improvements.

The standard brick is 4 x 8 inches and accommodates 2 lines per brick, 18 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation.  For bricks purchased by individuals, the name will appear on the top line.  The bottom line/s will include the chapter and class year and/or personal message.  The deluxe brick is 8 x 8 inches and has room for 4 lines of text with 18 characters per line.  Names will be printed on the top line, chapter and class year on the second line and you may add a personal message of 18 spaces each on the remaining 2 lines.

Bricks may be purchased by individuals, pledge classes, parent associations, chapters, alumni associations, and other such groups.  Bricks in honor or memory of an individual can be purchased and the first line shoud read “In Honor of” or “In Memory of”.  All text will be standard size, font, and style.  We cannot accommodate custom graphics.

Orders are being taken now and we will target the first round of bricks to be installed this summer.  The price is $250 for the standard (4×8 inch) brick and $500 for the deluxe (8×8 inch) brick.  Contributions are not tax-deductible.  Place your order by completing the form below.  We need a separate order placed for each brick you wish to purchase. 

When you submit, you will be taken to the donations page.  Add your amount to the “Fraternity VNAD’s or Unrestricted Donation Amount (Non Tax Deductible Gifts)” field, then in the “Payment Memo” field, put “HQ Brick Campaign”, so we can get your payment to the right place. Should you prefer, you can send a check to HQ Bricks at 120 S Center Street, Plainfield, IN 46168, or contact Rhonda at 317-837-9640 to make your payment by phone.

Should you have any questions or need special assistance, contact us at 317-837-9640 or  Thank you for your support!

What size brick would you like?

15 + 13 =