Redefining the New Member Experience
Triangle has created a number of resources to assist our chapters and colonies in developing a New Member Education program based on treating each other with dignity and respect. Grounded in the values of our Ritual and the Code of Ethics, the suggested program provides a 6-10 week foundation to develop and shape new members, directly connected to the new member manual.
The Purpose of New Member Education
The new member education period is just the starting point of your Triangle experience. It is a fun and exciting time where you will get to learn all about Triangle, meet new people and discover who you want to become not only as a member but as a son, brother, student, and friend.
Think of the new member education process as your orientation; it is your introduction into Triangle. The purpose of the new member education period is to:
- Help individuals become familiar with the history, facts, and principles of Triangle. While this may not be the most important thing you learn during your new member period, understanding how Triangle came to be is a necessary foundation for your membership.
- Introduce members to what the fraternity experience will look like. The new member process should be a combination of learning information and engaging in the normal day-to-day activities of fraternity business.
What to Expect
Chapters that are interested in implementing the Everyman National New Member Education program or a version of it, should download the activity guides and program syllabi to start (all resources can be found below & in the Resource Library). The activity guides will serve as a facilitator guide for the New Member Educator, providing them with objectives to cover week-by-week, sample activities, and suggested assignments that correspond with the Member Manual.
Chapters may choose to use the National program as is, or use the program with substituted activities and assignments. Any new activity or assignment must be submitted the Activity Substitution Form which can be found below or in the Resource Library.
Chapter interested in learning more or setting up a brief training should contact us at HQ@triangle.org.
Program Benefits
There are several objectives of a healthy and successful new member education process, some of which include:
- Assisting in the development of participants;
- Aiding in the college transition;
- Familiarizing participants with the local chapter, National Organization, Greek community, and University at large;
- Instilling an understanding and appreciation of Triangle through education and role modeling;
- Acquainting participants with one another and the brotherhood at large;
- Providing education around chapter expectations and operations.
A successful new member education process takes a village. It is imperative that each new member, active member, and advisor is committed to meeting these objectives and fulfilling the greater purpose. If these things happen, new members will enter into initiation prepared, excited, appreciative, and committed to the values of the organization.
Program Resources
Activity Guide Week 1
Activity Guide Week 2
Activity Guide Week 3
Activity Guide Week 4
Activity Guide Week 5
Activity Guide Week 6
Activity Guide Week 7
Activity Guide Week 8
Activity Guide Week 9
Activity Substitution Form
Code of Ethics Activity
Code of Ethics PowerPoint
Fraternity Symbols PowerPoint
Greek Alphabet Activity
Greek Alphabet PowerPoint
Life Balance Activity
Lesson Plan
Letter to Parents
NIC Brotherhood Building Activities
Program Syllabus
Purpose PowerPoint
Values Activity