January 17-19, 2025 | Jameson Camp | Indianapolis, IN
Early bird registration deadline: December 8, 2024 – 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Registration closes: December 18, 2024 – 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Airfare (where eligible) must be booked by Dec. 20, 2024
LTW is Triangle’s annual chapter leader training, encompassing six leadership tracks designed for specific undergraduates and two for approved alumni participants. The costs for each track are subsidized by grants from Triangle Education Foundation (TEF), National Education Fees (NEFs) paid by chapters, or from Triangle operating funds, but there still is a registration fee required of each attendee. This is your (or your chapter’s) investment in your participation and growth.
Because Chapter Endowment Funds (CEFs) are used to pay NEFs, CEFs may not be used again to pay for individual registration fees. The exception is if you wish to send a second attendee to a track, you can use CEF funds to reduce the full price fee of the track registration. Please read the Cost Breakdown information carefully to understand the costs for each track and how it differs for first attendee and second attendee within each track. Contact Morgan Brickley (morgan@triangle.org) with any questions.
Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy (SLMPLA)
The Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy, better known as SLMPLA, is named after Steven L. Miller ill64, former chapter president and CEO of Shell Oil Company. SLMPLA is designed to offer chapter and colony presidents the skills and resources to assist them in leading a student organization. Brother Miller has planned to meet virtually with attendees during this program.
By attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Communicate more effectively with their stakeholders;
- Identify steps to problem solve issues;
- Identify ways to delegate to their organization’s membership;
- Lead their organization in a mission-driven environment.
All chapter and colony presidents are encouraged to attend and will receive recognition via the accreditation program for their attendance. We have 36 seats available and hope that you will join us! Presidents-elect who have not yet begun their terms are eligible to attend if the active president cannot.
ELEVATE Recruitment Workshop
Struggling to elevate your chapter or colonies recruitment process? Seeing success in your recruitment process but looking to elevate your member’s engagement in their recruitment efforts? Elevate is the perfect program to assist chapters at every level.
By attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Identify their organization’s brand and the best way to market it;
- Discover where potential members are and the best ways to interest them;
- Establish a recruitment system that is simple, easy, and engaging;
- Start and hold meaningful and stimulating conversations;
- Establish a referral system that includes members of the greater community;
- Learn effective training techniques that get your chapter members excited to meet people and tell the organization’s story.
Telling your story and attracting new members is the lifeblood of our organizations. Whether you are at 5 members or 85 members we will have practical ideas to improve your recruitment program. All chapters have one seat reserved for their attendee. Additional seats are available at cost.
Finance Workshop
The finance workshop is designed for the organization treasurer. By attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Identify the key responsibilities of serving as their organization’s treasurer;
- Identify ways to effectively communicate with their organization’s members;
- Identify the seven steps to effective confrontation;
- Create and manage a budget that aligns with the values of the organization;
- Identify national opportunities to receive chapter funding and support.
We understand that the finance chair’s position is critical to chapter success, but can be difficult and sometimes thankless. Join us for a weekend of resources, training, camaraderie, and support. All chapters have one seat reserved for their attendee. Additional seats are available at cost.
Wakerly Service-Learning Workshop
The Wakerly Service-Learning Workshop focuses on providing attendees with the tools and resources to offer effective and meaningful service and philanthropy events for their organization and communities, specifically through two vehicles: FIRST® and the Leadership Advantage Program.
By attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Learn the importance of service learning and offering meaningful service to their communities and increasing Triangle visibility and name-recognition;
- Focus on two primary vehicles of active service learning: organizing & implementing the Leadership Advantage Program on their campus and getting involved with FIRST®;
- Develop foundational skills such as delegation, stakeholder engagement, and project management;
- Create a strategy that utilizes these opportunities as a recruitment tool for new members.
We encourage those responsible for service & philanthropy or public relations for their chapters to attend this track. All chapters have one seat reserved for their attendee. Additional seats are available at cost.
New Member Educator Workshop
The New Member Educator Workshop will focus on creating and delivering an exceptional new member education experience with the use of various resources.
By attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Identify the different needs and interests of their organization’s new members;
- Reflect on the role of the new member educator and the purpose of the new member education program;
- Evaluate their current new member program;
- Gain resources and knowledge to improve the brotherhood building efforts through the new member program;
- Identify the importance of using all or part of Triangle’s national new member program.
We recommend this track for current or aspiring new member educators. All chapters have one seat reserved for their attendee. Additional seats are available at cost.
Risk Prevention Workshop
The Risk Prevention Workshop is designed for risk managers, social event planners, and wellness officers. By attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify their leadership style and how to better work with others;
- Learn about insurance and liability related to personal and organizational actions;
- Identify risk in the organizational setting;
- Name tactics for creating a safe environment in a facility or at an event;
- Analyze policy about risk prevention and insurance;
- Gain skills about personal wellness and resources available on campuses to help students cope with stress;
- Learn strategies for difficult conversations around risk;
- Learn strategies for difficult conversartions around mental health and wellness.
Cultivating knowledge around policies, risk prevention and insurance is an important part of organization management. We recommend this track for risk managers, social chairmen, or wellness officers. All chapters have one seat reserved for their attendee. Additional seats are available at cost.
Here are answers to the most common questions we receive from potential attendees. If you don’t find your answer/s here, contact Morgan Brickley (morgan@triangle.org) to help!
Is it okay for us to send a substitute for our president to the PLA track?
The Steven L. Miller Presidents Leadership Academy (SLMPLA) is an endowed program which pays only for active chapter presidents or for presidents-elect. No other member may be substituted for the PLA track. All other tracks allow for various members to attend and you can substitute another member if your original delegate cannot attend.
What’s the Covid/Vaccine situation?
Please do not attend if you are sick or are knowingly exposed to anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, cold or flu within a week of LTW. We will watch health reports carefully in the weeks before the event and advise as needed. Attendees to LTW will be sleeping in bunkhouses, so in close quarters. We don’t have the ability to spread everyone out, so we take health advisories a bit more seriously than if attendees were two to a room at a hotel. We expect all attendees to: a) have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu before attending; b) cancel their attendance if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or serious cold or flu within a week of travel and; c) report to us any signs of sickness, cold or flu while at the event. We will have the ability to isolate individual students who show signs of illness and will be doing temperature checks during the event.
How do Chapter Endowment Funds (CEFs) help pay for the program this year?
In the past, attendees would pay a registration fee and the chapter would request funds from their CEF to cover the educational portion of the attendee costs. Now all chapters pay a National Education Fee, which can be paid from CEFs. The sum of those fees went into an Education Fund that now pays the educational portion of the attendee costs automatically for one attendee per track. Travel reimbursements also are worked into the LTW budget, so no need to request additional CEF funds unless you wish to register more than one member for any track (PLA is one member per chapter only). For additional attendees in a track (if you want to send a second attendee to the recruitment track, for instance), you can use your CEF to cover some of the cost of the $260 additional attendee fee. See the Cost Breakdown tab for additional information.
Why is there a Registration Fee?
The $50 registration fee is your contribution/investment in the program. We find a small student investment improves participation and commitment to follow through with the expectations of the program. These fees also help pay for LTW t-shirts and other costs. Attendees will get many times this value in return. Should you not be able to attend, you can substitute another student and we can transfer your registration fee to him. If your chapter covers the registration fees, you can elect to have us bill the chapter when you register. CEF Funds cannot be used for Registration fees.
How do we get to Indianapolis?
For those attending whose campus address is within 350 miles of Jameson Camp, you are expected to drive. You will receive 14 cents per mile (the IRS nonprofit rate) round-trip. If your chapter address is more than 350 miles from the Camp, you are eligible for one airfare for PLA and $300 airfare credit each for Recruitment, Finance and Risk Management tracks. If you are eligible to fly but want to drive, you will receive $75 for each chapter attendee you bring with you (since you will save LTW in airfare). See the Travel Information tab for more details and examples.
By the way, for chapters more than 350 miles away, you might consider driving and stopping for an overnight at another Triangle chapter along the way. For instance, Pitt may stop over at Ohio State, or Minnesota might stop over at Armour. Alternatively, chapters in close proximity might consider driving together to share costs and get to know each other. If you need contacts for other chapters, let us know!
How do those eligible for airfare book their flight?
First, register for LTW. Be sure to select “FLYING” in the method of transportation. Once you have registered you will receive an email to begin the booking process. We will then connect you with our travel agent, Kim Criscuolo (Kim.Criscuolo@Altour.com). You will need to provide your legal name as it appears on your travel documents, your date of birth, airport, and preferred departure time. So that we may get the best pricing possible, we ask that you register for LTW by December 8, so we can book your travel with our agent by December 20, 2024. We will not provide reimbursement for airfare booked after December 20, 2024.
How will I get from the airport to the camp?
A Triangle shuttle van will be operating during the day on Friday. When you complete booking your airfare, we will contact you with information on where to find the shuttle and its departure times from the airport. If you need to arrive Thursday night, we will need to arrange other means of transportation for you. Once you register, you will receive more detailed instructions.
Where is Jameson Camp located?
Jameson Camp is located just a few minutes away from the Triangle National Headquarters and the Indianapolis International Airport at 2001 Bridgeport Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46231. There is free parking in a private lot on the property.
When do I need to arrive?
LTW registration and check-in begins on Friday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. The program officially kicks off at 5:00 p.m. We recommend you plan to arrive to the Camp no later than 4:00 p.m., so that you can get settled before we begin. You won’t want to miss dinner! This schedule allows even those coming in from the west coast to fly in on Friday. If you need to arrive Thursday, please indicate this when you book flights through Kim Criscuolo. If you book your own flight, please email morgan@triangle.org if you need accommodations for an early arrival.
Am I going to have time to do homework while I am there?
You would potentially have time when the program concludes each night, but this is prime time to socialize with brothers from across the country and learn from their experiences. We respect and support your commitment to academics but encourage you to get your work done before arriving, so you can make the most of your time while at LTW. Keep in mind, most states recognize Monday after LTW as Martin Luther King Day, so you may have a vacation day to catch up!
What is the schedule for the weekend?
You can view last year’s schedule HERE. A final schedule will be provided before arrival.
Will I have free time to leave the camp?
You will be scheduled non-stop from 8 a.m. until 9 or 10 p.m. each day, but we will provide some time to interact more socially with attendees on Friday and Saturday evening. We expect all attendees to stay on Camp premises during the full weekend, as weather often can prevent leaving safely in evenings. Should you need to leave the camp for some reason, please check-in with staff first.
What should I bring?
- Dress code is casual: jeans and sweatshirts are fine
- Linens, blankets, pillows, or a sleeping bag (we will have linen/pillow/blanket sets on-site to accommodate those who are flying in)
- Warm clothes (the buildings are heated, but you’ll be walking outside between sessions and it is winter in Indiana)
- Warm sleeping clothes (cabins are heated, but they are cabins…in the winter)
- Towels and washcloths for the shower
- Toiletries (soap, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, toothbrush, etc.)
- Shower shoes (flip-flops)
- Medicine (if applicable) and appropriate masking to prevent exposure
- Any Triangle t-shirts you may want to trade with others
- Laptop or tablet; Pens & paper
- Chargers for your devices
- Cash or credit card for your journey
- Materials to share: Officer binders, recruitment materials, new member education program, chapter budget, etc.
What is NOT allowed?
- This is a substance-free event. Alcohol or other controlled substances are not permitted, even en-route to camp. Controlled substances include marijuana or CBD products, even if by prescription.
- Violators of this policy will not be permitted to participate, will be sent home immediately at their own expense, and will be required to reimburse the Fraternity all costs. Additionally, the Alumni Chapter President, Chapter Coach, and Dean of Students of their respective institution will be notified.
- Camp policies and our insurance prohibit firearms, fireworks or any other explosive devices on premise.
Please contact Sr. Director of Leadership Programs Morgan Brickley (morgan@triangle.org) with any additional questions.
The cost breakdown for each officer track varies based on its specific educational content/percentage and funding available through TEF and other grants. Each track includes lodging, meals and ground transportation to and from the Indianapolis airport, as well as professional-level facilitation, participant workbooks, and other program materials.
Attendees have the opportunity to work with peers from other chapters, with Triangle National Council members and staff, and representatives of Triangle Education Foundation and Triangle Building and Housing Corporation. Come with your ideas, questions, and concerns as this is a gathering of Triangle’s top talent.
Below you will find the maximum capacity of each track and the costs to attend. Chapters may send one attendee for each track at the subsidized price, paying only the $50 registration fee. Additional attendees (more than one for any track) will not receive subsidized pricing, and must pay the full $270 cost for attendance. If you have CEF funds available to use, these can be used to reduce the full cost. See the details below for each track.
Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy
(Chapter/Colony Presidents only)
Capacity: 36 Education Percentage: 80%
Original Cost: $700.00 per attendee
Grant Provided by Steven L. Miller: $540.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $110.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 per attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Only one participant per chapter/campus
Full travel reimbursement
(Presidents-Elect may attend, if they will take office soon)
Elevate Recruitment Workshop
(Recruitment, Growth, Life Skills, Networking)
Capacity: 30 Education Percentage: 65%
Original Cost: $270.00 per attendee
Funding from National Education Fees: $160.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $60.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 for first attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Additional chapter attendees: $270.00 or $100.00 + $170 in CEF funds
$300 in travel reimbursement for airfare
Finance Workshop
(Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers)
Capacity: 30 Education Percentage: 65%
Original Cost: $270.00 per attendee
Funding from National Education Fees: $160.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $60.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 for first attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Additional chapter attendees: $270.00 or $100.00 + $170 in CEF funds
$300 in travel reimbursement for airfare
Wakerly Service-Learning Workshop
(Leadership Advantage, FIRST, Philanthropy, Public Relations)
Capacity: 30 Education Percentage: 75%
Original Cost: $270.00 per attendee
Grant Provided by Wakerly Family: $80.00 per attendee
Funding from National Education Fees: $100.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $40.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 for first attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Additional chapter attendees: $270.00 or $80.00 + $190 in CEF funds
New Member Educator Workshop
(New Member Educators, Member Development)
Capacity: 30 Education Percentage: 75%
Original Cost: $270.00 per attendee
Funding from National Education Fees: $180.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $40.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 for first attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Additional chapter attendees: $270.00 or $80.00 + $190 in CEF funds
Risk Prevention Workshop
(Risk managers, wellness officers)
Capacity: 40 Education Percentage: 80%
Original Cost: $270.00 per attendee
Funding from National Education Fees: $180.00 per attendee
Investment Made by Triangle Fraternity: $40.00 per attendee
Final Cost: $50.00 for first attendee ($65.00 after 12.08.24)
Additional chapter attendees: $270.00 or $80.00 + $190 in CEF funds
$300 in travel reimbursement for airfare
Refund Policy
Attendees can transfer their registrations to others without penalty. Cancellations received before 01/03/25 will be refunded. Refunds for those who register but cancel after 01/03/25 may be considered after the event, only if funds remain after all costs are paid. For cancellations due to dangerous weather conditions, Triangle will refund 50-100% of registration fees for those impacted.
Through the generosity of donors and grants from the Triangle Education Foundation, reimbursements are available for some travel expenses to allow more members to attend. If you have a special situation that cannot be addressed by the process below, please contact us as soon as possible, so we can work to find solutions.
For Attendees Driving to Plainfield, IN:
Mileage will be determined from campus address/zip to Plainfield, IN, via Google Maps’ shortest route. Only one reimbursement per vehicle. Parking at the camp is free and secure.
- Participants less than 350 miles drive from Plainfield, IN will be expected to drive. Those who drive will receive the IRS nonprofit rate of fourteen (14) cents per mile, round-trip, plus $25 for each additional attendee you bring. Share the ride with more attendees from your chapter to share costs and increase the reimbursement.
Examples: Three attendees traveling from 150 miles away would receive $92 reimbursement (300 total miles x .14, plus $50).
- Participants who live more than 350 miles drive from Plainfield, IN and wish to drive will be reimbursed at a flat rate of $75 for every attendee from their chapter they bring with them. If you’re driving from a far distance, consider overnighting at another chapter on the way to break up your trip and meet new people!
Example: Chapter president and two attendees from 400 miles away would receive $225.
NOTE: Reimbursements will only be made if a reimbursement form is submitted by 5 p.m. EST on January 31, 2025. Forms will be available at LTW or can be emailed to you.
For those eligible for airfare credits, there are three options:
1. The first is to ticket through our official agent no later than December 20. Triangle will cover the price of the ticket up to the allowance (full cost for PLA and up to $300 for Finance, Recruitment, and Risk Management). Our agent/s will do their best to find flights within the allowance that get you in and out on time, but attendees will be responsible to cover any amount greater than the allowance. We only purchase refundable tickets which may increase the price slightly. That way, if you cancel your travel or your flights are cancelled, Triangle can receive a full refund.
2. The second option is for you to book your own tickets and apply for reimbursement after completion of the program. Attendance is the responsibility of the student, and you must arrive and depart on dates/times that allow full participation in the program. If you choose not to attend or are somehow prevented from attending, you should seek a credit from the airline toward future travel. We cannot reimburse your ticket costs if you do not attend. See the information below to understand the reimbursement limits.
3. If you would rather use your CEF funds to cover your airfare, you can receive a reimbursement up to the percentage of educational content (see below). For instance, the Finance workshop has a educational percentage of 65%. If your airfare equals $500, you could request a grant from your CEF funds for up to $325. Grants should be requested BEFORE you purchase tickets to make sure the funds are available and approved to reimburse. Then, you will receive your reimbursement AFTER you attend and complete the LTW program. You cannot claim both a CEF grant AND the $300 reimbursement listed below, so you may want to determine which is more, based on your expected airfare.
For either option, if you need assistance estimating the reimbursement/s for your chapter’s travel, contact us at hq@triangle.org.
Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy (SLMPLA)
Thanks to a grant provided by Steven L. Miller, PLA participants from greater than 350 miles away will have their full airfare covered if they book through Triangle’s travel agent by the December 20 deadline. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
ELEVATE Recruitment Workshop
Our best chapters have strong visibility on campus and know how to tell the Triangle story. Participants who live beyond 350 miles may fly and will have up to $300.00 of their flight covered/reimbursed. CEF funds can support up to 65% of the cost of airfare in lieu of the $300 reimbursement. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
Finance Workshop
Fraternity chapters and many other organizations close every year due to financial mismanagement. This is a valuable program to teach the important principles that can help you throughout life. Participants who live beyond 350 miles from the Jameson Camp may choose to fly and will have up to $300.00 of their flight covered or reimbursed. CEF funds can support up to 65% of the cost of airfare in lieu of the $300 reimbursement. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
Wakerly Service Learning Workshop
The Wakerly Service Learning Workshop will now focus on providing attendees with the tools and resources to offer effective and meaningful service and philanthropy events for their organization and communities, specifically through two vehicles: FIRST® and the Leadership Advantage Program. There is no airfare subsidy for this track, but CEF funds can support up to 75% of the cost of airfare. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
New Member Educator Workshop
Triangle Fraternity is committed to supporting our New Member Educators and the overall new member experience and is therefore invested in those who participate in the newly enhanced New Member Educator Workshop. There is no airfare subsidy for this track. There is no airfare subsidy for this track, but CEF funds can support up to 75% of the cost of airfare. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
Risk Prevention Workshop
The Fraternity is committed to educating chapters about risk prevention and wellness. Students attending this track will learn details about risk prevention expectations and strategies, as well as wellness programming best practices. Participants who live beyond 350 miles from the Jameson Camp may choose to fly and will have up to $300.00 of their flight covered or reimbursed. CEF funds can support up to 80% of the cost of airfare in lieu of the $300 reimbursement. For those driving, the driving information above applies.
For Attendees Flying to Plainfield, IN:
Those beyond 350 miles from Jameson Camp who choose to fly and are eligible to have Triangle subsidize their cost, will need to make reservations through our approved Travel Agent, Kim Criscuolo, at Kim.Criscuolo@Altour.com or by phone at (972) 643-4902. Kim will need your legal name as it appears on your official ID, date of birth, departing airport, and preferred departure time.
Before you book your flight, you will need to complete your online registration for LTW and select “FLYING” as your mode of transportation. Once you are registered, we will provide Kim your name and the amount of your subsidy, and you will be cleared to book a ticket. To receive financial support for flights, you must book your travel with Triangle’s travel agent by December 20, but we will appreciate your booking by December 8, as it will take advantage of lower fares. Fares are already high this year, but start to increase quickly within 30 days of travel.
For any and all questions related to registration, program content or reimbursements, please email hq@triangle.org. We have staff ready to respond to your questions and help you get the most funding available for your travel.
On the Registration Page, please indicate one attendee under the Guest/Staff/National Council/Facilitator option. There is no charge for your registration.
Depending upon total registration numbers and the need to provide greater social distancing, advisors, guest, and/or Councilmen may be housed off-site so that we may accommodate all undergraduate attendees and facilitators at Jameson Camp.
A hotel block with a special Triangle rate of $89 per night has been reserved at the La Quinta Inn & Suites, Plainfield. Please make sure that after registering for the event that you email tom@triangle.org with your arrival and departure dates so that we can secure your room. If you have a roommate preference, please let Tom know. Also let him know if you would prefer to be at Jameson Camp.
For Councilmen flying into Indianapolis, a free shuttle runs upon request from La Quinta Inn & Suites to Indianapolis International Airport. Staff and alumni who drive in can provide transport to the Camp each day. The hotel address/phone is below.
La Quinta Inn & Suites, Indianapolis/Plainfield
Address: 2251 Manchester Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168
Phone: (317) 279-2650