Triangle Fraternity recognizes that during these trying times of social distance and quarantine, the desire to connect with people is stronger than ever.  While we are unable to celebrate Founders’ Day in-person this year, we are taking the show on the road or, in this case, the Cloud.

This year, Triangle Fraternity will host a
Virtual Founders’ Day celebration
on Saturday, April 18 at 3 PM Eastern time!


This conference will be hosted on Zoom conferencing services and will include a live message from Triangle President Joe Cerrato as well as remarks from other prominent alumni and a fun Triangle Trivia quiz from National Historian Brad Keller.  Actives and alumni also will be invited to send a 20-second video or less to “Toast Triangle” on our day of founding.

This will be an online meeting, where you can participate via computer browser or dial in by phone.  Regardless of how long you can join us, we hope you will partake in the celebration.  Participants on computers will need to download a Zoom client file to have access to all features.  Those dialing in on phone don’t need to do anything special.  Once you register for the event, you will receive an email with all the details to particpate.

By the way, another way to stay virtually connected with your brothers is on our new private social media platform, Triangle Connect.  Socialize with your brothers by engaging in various topic discussions (such as common hobbies or interests) or connect with others in similar professions.  You may also be able to reconnect with a long lost brother using our Member Directory.

We look forward to celebrating Founders’ Day with everyone, especially you.  See you there!