We understand that you are probably busy with finals, or moving out of your house, or getting ready for your summer internship or job- but it is extremely important that you don’t forget about the year-end chapter to-do’s.
- Make sure that you finalize your member and officer rosters as they should look for the start of Fall 2018 – this will help us at HQ so that we are communicating to the right folks over the summer.
- Don’t forget to report and pay for any remaining initiates from spring – several chapters still show new members on their rosters!
- Send in the reports which are due every semester/term (academic reporting form, community service tracking form, philanthropy tracking form, campus involvement form, etc.) We do an annual report in August and it is extremely important to us to have an accurate representation of all of the hard work that our chapters have done over the past year. These reports can be found on ChapterSpot. You must log in, go to HQDocs, download, complete the forms, and submit! If you have any questions, contact Connie at HQ at adminasst@triangle.org.
- Don’t forget to change your graduates to alumnus!
- Planning a chapter or recruitment retreat to kick off the fall term? Contact HQ to see about assistance in planning or facilitation – first, come-first served!
- Your CEF grants for the current school year are due to Foundation President, Scott Bova (sbova@triangle.org) by 6/1!