Here are some helpful reminders for you for the month of March:
- The final Chapter Assessment fees have been invoiced to both active chapters ($575) and alumni ($630). The alumni invoices include the annual alumni organization dues.
- Please submit all initiation requests at least 14 days prior to the initiation date. Use ChapterSpot to update membership status to Interim and provide GPA and initiation date to start the initiation request.
- If you have not already done so, please update Officer Roles in ChapterSpot.
- 2019/2020 insurance cost estimates will be sent to chapters in April so you can include them in your budgets. Final insurance bills will be sent near August 1 for payment by September 15.
- Please make sure your chapter rosters are up to date so that we can provide an accurate estimate for you.
- Founders Day is coming up and all chapters should consider holding alumni events— even if they are informal. If you need ideas or assistance, contact our new Director of Alumni Engagement, Jeff Hughes at jeff@triangle.org.