Triangle’s Regional Meeting, most recently known as “Catalysts” is undergoing yet another change for the 2017-2018 academic year. Chapter Drive-In’s will now take the place of the regional meeting which will require host-chapters to manage all event logistics including space and audio-visual reservations, securing food and drinks, soliciting presenters, setting the agenda, creating marketing materials, determining the registration cost and publicizing event details to local chapters and alumni.
Staff will continue to assist with registration and a broader communication plan. Chapters are encouraged to contact local chapter leadership and alumni to determine a convention date and potential attendance.
A maximum of five chapters will be selected to host a drive-in. Each chapter will have a budget of $1,000.00. All additional costs must be covered by the host-chapter.
For additional questions about the Regional Drive-In, please contact Ariel Tarosky at ariel@triangle.org.
To submit your interest to serve as a host chapter, please complete the Chapter Drive-In Interest Form.