We are excited to offer the Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative’s Train-the-Trainer program for chapter advisors for the second year during our Leadership & Training Weekend in January.
The Fraternal Health and Safety Initiative (FHSI) is designed to aid chapters in achieving a high-quality membership experience. Powered by a comprehensive curriculum, chapter members from the FHSI Consortium engage in the consistent identification, prevention and intervention strategies to tackle the most pressing, and dangerous social issues on college campuses today: alcohol and other drug abuse, sexual misconduct/assault, and hazing. The curriculum’s key learning objectives are delivered by certified facilitators following completion of one or more of the training modules.
In an effort to ensure the safety and well-being of our chapters and colonies Triangle has joined the Fraternal Health & Safety Consortium and is committed to delivering the three available modules to chapter members: Preventing Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses, Choices About Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Hazing Intervention & Prevention.
At the 2019 Leadership & Training Weekend, held in Indianapolis, Triangle will be hosting a Train-the-Trainer program for all chapter advisors. Participants will be trained in the research, curriculum, and how to facilitate the programs to Triangle chapters and colonies.
Each chapter and colony should send at least one member of their advisory team. Attendees who participate in the weekend’s training and who successfully facilitate a module(s) to their respective chapter will receive a chapter incentive.
Program costs, logistics, and registration details will be announced shortly.
Additionally, grants are available to bring FHSI training to your campus, so fraternity and sorority volunteers/advisors and campus administrators can be trained. For either option, contact Ariel Tarosky (ariel@triangle.org).