The purpose of Triangle shall be to maintain a fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists. It shall carry out its purpose by establishing chapters that develop balanced men who cultivate high moral character, foster lifelong friendships, and live their lives with integrity.

Triangle Education Foundation is a vital part of our fraternity that exists to enhance the Triangle experience for both actives and alumni. The Foundation is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, which is recognized as a public charity by the Internal Revenue Service. Since contributions to the Foundation are deductible for federal income tax purposes (and most states, as well), the Foundation provides a vehicle that permits alumni to support Triangle’s education programs.

As a result of the report of a special committee, the 1957 Convention authorized an immediate increase in the national active fee in order to begin building a loan fund from which Triangle chapters and colonies could borrow for the purpose of financing the purchase, construction and/ or remodeling of chapter houses. This action was subsequently approved by unanimous undergraduate and alumni organization vote.
The Building Loan Fund, now known as the Triangle Building & Housing Corporation was created because it was felt that if the Fraternity were to improve its chapter houses and increase the number of chapters at a faster rate, a new and not heretofore proposed method of financial assistance must be developed. Experience indicated that no matter what its finances and borrowing power might be, a chapter could not finance a new house without assistance that at that time was nonexistent.