Getting ready to close your facility down for the summer? Below are some great tips from the Triangle Building & Housing Corporation:
- Clean
- Clean out all personal items
- Get a dumpster and throw out anything that has not been used in the last 12 months
- Get rid of any furniture that is broken or beyond repair or cleaning
- Deep clean the facility
- Save
- Reduce any recurring costs that can be reduced
- Unplug any/all unused appliances/equipment that can be taken off-line for the summer
- Shift/combine any items in lightly used units into central units
- Close, lock and turn off all power usage or HVAC to unused rooms
- Secure
- Audit and tighten key control and access to the building
- If open:
- Go through a summer building access process with each authorized person
- Reduce the number of building access points to one for the summer period
- If closed:
- Set alarm system, if the facility doesn’t have an alarm consider having one installed
- Change locks to a summer-only set
- Empty, clean, and unplug all appliances
- Unplug all electronics throughout the facility
- Set any HVAC temperature controls to 80
- Maintain
- Commit to and assign a person to bi-weekly walk-throughs at random times, not a set schedule that thieves could track
Have additional questions or concerns? Contact TBHC Executive Director, Mike Fouts at mfouts@trianglebhc.org.