UCSD Triangle Scholar-Leader Award
The UCSD Triangle Scholar-Leader Award is a $1,000 award to recognize and reward excellence in scholarship, leadership and service. Applicants should have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for high school work or 2.75 for college credits. They also should have some leadership and service in their history – no experience is too small to consider.
This award is open to freshman and sophomore men who are not already affiliated with other fraternities (They should have their own scholarships!). The deadline for applications is 11:59 PM PST on November 1, 2018.
After the deadline, our selection committee will review all applications and choose no more than 40 finalists. Finalists will be invited to take part in interviews. Interviews will take place on campus with several interview teams comprised of students, alumni and faculty. A check will be presented to the winner at an event on campus where friends and family can be present.
Triangle is America’s premiere STEM fraternal experience. Our member network of STEM professionals is represented in major engineering and technology firms in and around San Diego, Southern California and across the U.S. Get more information about Triangle at JoinTriangle.org.